Advisory Body

Your Voice is Powerful
Join our Aged Care Consumer Advisory Body today.
It’s your chance, as a client or representative, to make a real impact by sharing your thoughts on our services and helping to shape the future of your care.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to design services.
A consumer advisory body can help fix your problems and improve your care.
They give you a way to talk about care and service quality with others and share this with your provider’s governing board.
Consumer advisory bodies are important because they:
- look at the quality of care and services you and others receive
- find and communicate consumers’ needs and issues
- provide opportunities for improvement.
Contact Intereach today to be part of this important group
Phone Intereach: 1300 488 226
Email: CAB@intereach.com.au
Consumer advisory bodies need people like you.
Members from all backgrounds are welcome to join.
Diversity means that all consumers are represented.
This includes people who:
- are a current or past consumer
- are a family member or representative of a current or past consumer
- are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- are LGBTQI+
- come from a culturally and linguistically diverse background
- have a disability
- live with a cognitive or physical impairment
- live with mental health issues and/ or illness
- are socially or economically disadvantaged
- live in a rural or remote area
More information
Talk to your aged care provider.
Older Person’s Advocacy Network
(OPAN) Support Line
P: 1800 700 600
8am – 8pm Monday to Friday
10am – 4pm Saturdays
OPAN helps you and your representatives fix problems you have with Commonwealth-funded
aged care services.
Phone the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
P: 1800 951 822 (free call) to give feedback on your
provider or make a complaint
Download the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Consumer Advisory Body fact sheet.
Click hereto learn about Intereach Aged Care Services