Fond farewell for Friendship Group members

graphic of leaves
“Anything I can do to help somebody or the community I’ll do it.”


It’s this attitude that has made Dawn and John Leach such popular members of the Barham community for the past 17 years after relocating from Tasmania.

The couple – who are moving to a retirement village in Bendigo – have also been treasured members of the Barham Friendship Group for about 10 years. Dawn said a friend initially invited them to join the group because they were short of helpers.

“We used to drive the bus once a week and pick up members,” Dawn said.

“We got a lot of enjoyment out of the group and would recommend it to anyone.”

The couple were recently farewelled with a cake and celebrated for their volunteer work in the community – they’ve driven cars for Home and Community Care (HACC) and helped out at the library, while Dawn helped start up a local cancer support group after surviving a cancer battle herself in 2010.

“We don’t want praise or anything like that, we just like helping people,” Dawn said.

The Barham Friendship Group meets each Wednesday at the Community Health Centre at the Barham Hospital from 10 am to 3 pm. Cost is $15 per attendance which includes lunch.
For more information, contact Intereach Community Support Team on 1300 488 226.

Photo courtesy of Barham Bridge newspaper.