Intereach celebrates  NSW Seniors Festival 

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people sitting in a room listening to a speaker


A morning tea and a movie afternoon have been hosted by Intereach as part of the 2020 NSW Seniors Festival, which runs from February 12 to 23. 

At the morning tea, Intereach staff from the organisation’s 16 locations across NSW and Victoria came together via video conference. 

The morning tea was addressed by Intereach Community Support Program Manager Lisa Landy, who spoke about the important role the seniors play in the program, both as participants and staff. 

“It challenges the stereotype that seniors must transition from the labour market into retirement,” Lisa said. 

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The Community Support Program leads by example, and we currently have a number of older Community Support Work (CSW) employees, the oldest being 83.”

Lisa Landy - Intereach Community Support Program Manager

The program’s progressive approach to employing seniors in CSW roles recognises Intereach’s strategic investment, and a partnership that is mutually beneficial for participants and staff members. 

Senior Community Support Worker Jan has been working with Intereach since finishing full-time work 12 years ago. 

I really enjoy how varied the work is and the people I work with, whether this is other staff members or my peers within the local community. One day I can be out providing social support and shopping with a participant and the next day I can be helping out in the ladies’ or men’s group,” she said.

The movie afternoon, held in conjunction with Edward River Council, attracted more than 100 seniors form the Deniliquin community who gathered to watch ‘Downton Abbey’. 

It started with an introduction and welcome from Cr Pat Fogarty, in her dual roles with the co-hosts, as she is Deputy Mayor of Edward River Council and Chair of Intereach. 

As a special treat, the seniors received a basket of lollies and a spider (the drink, not the creepy crawly). 

photo of lollies dished up on a table