Intereach – ready to help in this time of need

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There has rarely been a time of greater need to support the most vulnerable in our community.

As such, community service provider Intereach is ensuring it remains operational and ready to help.

Intereach provides a vast range of community services across areas including children and families, older people, people living with disability, mental health and carers.

CEO Keryn Fox said the manner in which most services are being provided has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but communities need to be aware Intereach is still operating and available to provide assistance wherever required.

“Our purpose, which has been clearly articulated in the past, is to strengthen and improve social and personal well-being for individuals, families and communities. This is achieved by facilitating a vast range of programs for the various communities we serve.

“Throughout the challenges of the pandemic, and during the long recovery process, many people will need our assistance.

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I want to ensure all our communities that we are ready and willing to help, as required.”

Intereach operates from 16 offices across the Riverina and Murray regions of NSW, north and central Victoria and the Mallee.

“Each of our communities is special, with its own team to provide the local services we offer.

“At present we have unfortunately had to close all our offices to the public, but we still have nearly 400 team members across our footprint who can deliver our services.

“We have many team members working from home. We are encouraging phone meetings to be undertaken with our participants/clients whenever possible. This includes our NDIS Local Area Coordinator or Early Childhood Early Intervention Coordinator services, with most participant meetings to be conducted over the phone.

“We take great pride in the way in which our team members care for their local people and needs, and in this respect nothing has changed,” Ms Fox said.

Anyone who requires support or advice in relation to the many Intereach community service programs is asked to phone 1300 488 226. Team members will continue to be available during office hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).

“We recognise that some programs such as Community Transport, Community Support and Children’s Services have unique needs and considerations. The executive will work closely with these programs to ensure reasonable and appropriate action is being taken,” Ms Fox said.

“At this time I would encourage our clients and participants to stay in touch – keep phoning our team members and working with us, as we meet the challenges we are facing.”