Announcements - May 27, 2021
Intereach Victorian offices closed

Intereach’s Victorian offices will be closed to the public from 5pm today (Thursday, May 27), following the Victorian Government’s seven-day COVID-19 Stage 4 lockdown directive.
All Intereach offices will still be available via telephone on 1300 488 226 during office hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).
Acting Intereach CEO Yvette Buhagiar says the organisation will act on the advice provided by government and health department officials going forward.
“Our staff are still available via telephone and we will continue to deliver services and supports to our Victorian communities, but it won’t be face-to-face contact unless absolutely necessary. We’re encouraging phone or virtual meetings be undertaken where possible.
“Face-to-face meetings can only proceed in circumstances where phone or virtual servicing is not an option.
“We’re hopeful that our Victorian offices will re-open and staff will be in a position to return to working from the office at 9am on Friday, June 4. We will be monitoring this situation very closely and will advise our staff, participants and communities if there are any changes to this information as we progress through the next seven days.
“For our New South Wales offices, it’s mostly business as usual at this stage.”
Intereach has implemented the following:
- Victorian offices are closed to the public from 5pm on Thursday, May 27.
- Victorian staff will work from home where possible during the lockdown period.
- Most participant meetings in Victoria will be conducted over the phone or virtually during the lockdown.
Yvette said Intereach recognises that some programs such as Community Transport, Aged Care Services and Children’s Services have unique needs and considerations. The Intereach executive team will work closely with these programs to ensure reasonable and appropriate action is being taken.
Intereach has also advised staff that all non-essential work-related travel into Victoria would be cancelled during lockdown.
“We’re well prepared as an organisation to respond to this directive, given we’ve been through this before, and we developed a comprehensive COVID-19 Safe Plan which we’ll continue to follow,” Yvette said.
Anyone showing symptoms of Coronavirus – such as coughing, fever, flu-like symptoms – should self-isolate and contact the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398. Anyone with queries about Intereach’s COVID-19 response, or any other matter, can phone 1300 488 226 or email