Make the best of life with Intereach

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Intereach is proud to support aged care services across the Macedon Ranges.  

 Talk to the local Intereach team who are committed to providing the best care to support your lifestyle when it comes to wellbeing and living independently in your own home. 

 Intereach team members live and work in the Macedon Ranges. They are based in the Gisborne office and understand local people and their needs. 

 Intereach will be expanding its services under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme from 1 July 2023 and look forward to supporting many clients across the region.  

 Intereach is a leader in providing a wide range of services to older people. They have the expertise and experience to deliver tailored, high-quality care that truly makes a difference in a person’s day-to-day life. 

 They understand that everyone is unique and their needs are specific to them. Their care coordinators take a person-centred approach, working closely with older people and their families. 

 Services are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they are meeting your needs and are in line with latest industry standards. 

 Importantly, Intereach staff live in the communities they serve. With Intereach, you can trust that you will receive expert, personalised care from a provider with a deep understanding of your community. 

Whether it is aged care or accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), you can be confident in the assistance provided by Intereach. You’ll love working with people who love looking after you. 

So, talk to the friendly staff at the Intereach Gisborne office to learn more about how they can help you. Visit the team on level one, Nexus Centre Gisborne or phone 1300 488 226. 

Intereach has 17 offices across southern NSW, north/central Victoria and the Mallee, with a total staff of more than 450. It supports children and families, older people, people living with disability, mental health and carers.  If you, or someone you know, needs support you can contact the team at Intereach on the toll-free number 1300 488 226, or go to 


Photo: Intereach is proud to be part of the Macedon Ranges community.