Announcements - December 14, 2020
Phased re-opening for Intereach offices

Intereach offices in Victoria are gradually re-opening as COVID-19 restrictions ease.
The phased opening has been taking place since mid-November, in conjunction with the Intereach COVID-19 Safe Plan.
“It has obviously been a difficult year and we are extremely grateful for the support and patience shown by our staff, participants and the community in general,” Intereach CEO Keryn Fox said.

“We are relieved that as the year draws to a close we are able to work through the process of re-opening our Victorian offices.”
As each office re-opens, it abides by the Intereach COVID-19 Office Transition Plan, which is a three-phase process.
Intereach Victorian offices which are at Phase 1 include: Echuca, Mildura, Shepparton, Seymour, Gisborne, Swan Hill and Bendigo. The Maryborough office re-opening will take place on January 4.
Under Phase 1, all visitors to the office will be screened for COVID-19 with standard questions. Doors are locked, so visitors must ring the doorbell and wait for a staff member, then be screened on entry. There are sanitising stations at all entrances, with compulsory sign in and sign out and numbers limited to the office, subject to Government advice on density quotients.
Face to face meetings for participants are available by appointment only.
When Phase 2 is permitted there will be appointments where possible, doors will be unlocked however monitoring of numbers, sanitising stations and compulsory sign in/out will continue. Phase 3 will be a return to business as usual.
Prior to opening, a risk assessment is conducted for each separate office in consultation with staff.
Intereach staff who have been working from home throughout COVID, are also gradually returning to work in the office, subject to State Government advice and in line with the Victorian Regional Roadmap to Recovery.