Home and Community Care Program for Younger People

HACC-PYP provides support for people 65 and younger (50 and younger if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) with disability whose capacity for independent living is at risk.
Services are targeted to 65 and younger (50 and younger if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) with moderate, severe or profound disability and their carers. Intereach delivers HACC-PYP in Campaspe Shire and Central Goldfields.
If you think the Home and Community Care program is the right choice for you:
Call the Home Care team on
1300 488 226
We will identify if you are eligible for a HACC assessment
If eligible and after completion of the HACC assessment we will link you in with the appropriate supports under the HACC/PYP program.
What is HACC-PYP?
These services support younger Victorians to optimise their health and wellbeing, while maintaining or regaining their independence to live safely in their homes and actively participate in their community. These can include:
Community Care Services: Supports include domestic assistance, personal care and respite, property maintenance such as repairs and gardening and minor home modifications to assist people managing mobility issues to move safely about the house.
Meals: Both home delivered meals or in community settings provide a nutritious, appetising and culturally-appropriate main meal.
Eligibility for HACC-PYP
- HACC PYP supports Victorians from birth to 65 years, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from birth to 50 years if their capacity for independent living is at risk. This may be due to chronic illness, mental health issues, disability or other conditions where they need one-off, intermittent or ongoing support to undertake the activities of daily living.
Need more information?
Download our resources below.